6月份的SAT考試因為疫情關係,仍然無法舉行,College Board 提出補救方案,包含:
With student and educator safety as our priority, we’re adapting to the challenges presented by Covid-19. While we’re unable to administer the June SAT, we will:
◼️ Have an SAT each month, starting with August :8月份開始每一個月都有SAT考試。(5月份開始報名!)
◼️ Significantly expand capacity for fall SATs:今年秋季SAT會增加考試報名人數及場次。(新增9月份SAT)
Registration for fall SAT dates will open in May. Students who were registered for the canceled June SAT and juniors who don’t have SAT scores will have early access to registration for the August, September, and October administrations.
More details: http://spr.ly/61881FjN8.